
I’ve been fired over a drink today

you heard that right, folks. a drink. a mocha cookie crumble Frappuccino to be sure. let me give you a little context. I work worked at a Privately owned Starbucks inside a hotel. not much to it, a quaint little place. I LOVED it there. all the hours I needed, friendly and fun staff, etc. we paid 2.50 a shift to eat and drink as much as we pleased. so I took advantage of it. I ate on the clock and enjoyed many a drink. Hell, I went above and beyond, working open to close in case another co worker called in, totaling 15 hours. when the pipes sprung a leak and no one would go under the fridges to clean the stagnant, gooey milk water? boy, I got on my hands and knees and I scrubbed. I did everything for this place. provided my best, and worked my hardest.…

you heard that right, folks. a drink. a mocha cookie crumble Frappuccino to be sure. let me give you a little context. I work worked at a Privately owned Starbucks inside a hotel. not much to it, a quaint little place. I LOVED it there. all the hours I needed, friendly and fun staff, etc.

we paid 2.50 a shift to eat and drink as much as we pleased. so I took advantage of it. I ate on the clock and enjoyed many a drink. Hell, I went above and beyond, working open to close in case another co worker called in, totaling 15 hours. when the pipes sprung a leak and no one would go under the fridges to clean the stagnant, gooey milk water? boy, I got on my hands and knees and I scrubbed. I did everything for this place. provided my best, and worked my hardest.

Head of security likes to keep a tight eye on Baristas. watching us through the cameras consistently. catching us if we were doing anything we weren't supposed to. that being said, sure, 2.50 comes off your pay every shift for you to eat and drink what you please, but god forbid you take 2 drinks instead of one, and they're on your ass faster than you can drink it.

I house accounted myself a dragon drink in my reusable cup, and a mocha cookie crumble frappe on the side, to drink on my walk home, and to enjoy the dragon drink when i did get home. well, head of security didn't like that. so they snapped a photo of me and sent it to the general manager of the hotel, who then sent it to my supervisor.

by all means, this isn't her fault. she didn't want to fire me, but said her hands are tied. because I cant produce a receipt showing i purchased the second drink, I was terminated.

and that's the story of how I gave it my all at a job that paid me minimum wage, only to be canned over a frozen drink. I think I'm officially ready to say fuck it.

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