
ive been soft quitting my job

I'm going to try and sum this up since its kind of a long story. I work as a wearhouse manager for a small company.only About 4 of us now due to people leaving. About a half year ago they sold the company to another. Before this happend I asked for a raise as I was doing 2 even 3 jobs to make up for lost people. I make 14 an hr as a warehouse manager. The boss at the time told me I should stick around as it would be beneficial to me when the new company takes over. Nothing ever happend. 3 months in to the new company I had asked for a raise( still the same boss). Told me to give them 2 months to get their shit together as they were transitioning into this place. Here we are a half of year later and nothing has…

I'm going to try and sum this up since its kind of a long story. I work as a wearhouse manager for a small company.only About 4 of us now due to people leaving. About a half year ago they sold the company to another. Before this happend I asked for a raise as I was doing 2 even 3 jobs to make up for lost people. I make 14 an hr as a warehouse manager. The boss at the time told me I should stick around as it would be beneficial to me when the new company takes over. Nothing ever happend. 3 months in to the new company I had asked for a raise( still the same boss). Told me to give them 2 months to get their shit together as they were transitioning into this place. Here we are a half of year later and nothing has changed. They dont have a permit at the time to process the stuff thats gets brought in. (The permit laws are changing here) so they have been stock piling all this work until that law passed. (2 months of work). So ive been coming to work and doing the absolute bare minimum . ive called in several times and nobody has said anything. How can I turn this into my favor when it comes time to process 2 months of work by myself? They can't get anybody else hired cuz of the pay and there are tons of places that are hiring for more than what I make starting out and half the work.

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