
I’ve had enough.

I've worked at my job for 5+ years now and have earned many employee of the month awards, along with being nicknamed “Hercules” and “Speedy Gonzalez” for always going above and beyond for working so hard and at a fast pace at all times. Since I worked so hard I was always the first one that was asked to do extra work, coming in early, staying late, working weekends when no one else would. It's gotten to the point they don't even try to split the work up among our people and I end up getting the majority of the work. Before Covid we had a busy season that would start around June or July and last into early January. Outside our busy season we work regular 40 hour work weeks and during the worst times of the busy season we work 12 hours, 6 to 7 days a week.…

I've worked at my job for 5+ years now and have earned many employee of the month awards, along with being nicknamed “Hercules” and “Speedy Gonzalez” for always going above and beyond for working so hard and at a fast pace at all times. Since I worked so hard I was always the first one that was asked to do extra work, coming in early, staying late, working weekends when no one else would. It's gotten to the point they don't even try to split the work up among our people and I end up getting the majority of the work.

Before Covid we had a busy season that would start around June or July and last into early January. Outside our busy season we work regular 40 hour work weeks and during the worst times of the busy season we work 12 hours, 6 to 7 days a week. Post covid we work constant 12 hour shifts Monday – Friday and 8 hours almost every Saturday and most Sundays year round.

Our department has to help out other departments but never get help from the other departments when we need it. We're all burnt out but myself especially.

I was asked once to volunteer to work the weekend and when I said “I'm sorry I have plans and can't do it this time.” Later that day walked up on my bosses having a conversation of “Bahamut_flare didn't volunteer to work this weekend. We need to make sure he agrees to come in.”

One day on a Thursday we finished that day's scheduled work early, so we started that Friday's work and ended up finishing that also, so we were told we were being given that Friday off, but at the end of the shift as I'm leaving I'm told that I'm required to come in Friday and Saturday to work for another department even though none of my coworkers had to come in. I've had to stay behind while all my coworkers got to leave early and I had to finish up by myself. I've tried to complain about being overworked and always get “Oh you'll be fine.” “We know you can handle it.”

My coworkers have gotten to leave work when they get headaches, but I wasn't allowed to leave work when I was running back and forth to the restroom sick, I was just given peptobismol and told I'd be alright after awhile.

I've been limping hardly able to walk for a few months now (my job is is pretty physical and I can walk 15+ miles during a 12 hour shift) and I finally decided it was time to see a doctor, only to learn I have a bone spur in my foot.

My coworker told me our boss asked everyone in a group if any of them had talked to me and when my coworker explained my situation my boss had said that I should still be at work and have no excuse not to be working because everyone has bone spurs in their feet and that I should just tough it out.

I'm always told I'm too young to get hurt or be sick and that when I do it's because I have a “vitamin deficiency.” I can't take being a human packmule and giving up 80~ hours of my life every week for a job where I'm not even thought of as a person.

*edited for better readability.

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