
I’ve seen the light and I’m done with my job

I have worked for my company for a few years and recently applied for an internal position that I was perfect for. I'd worked with the team already, and have 10 years of exemplary experience in the field. Only two people applied for the role – myself and someone with zero experience in the field. I didn't even make it to the interview stage. The hiring manager sent me a rejection email the same day I put in my application. An incredibly contradictory rejection email. “I really liked how you showed your familiarity with the project tools…” “…perhaps next time highlight in your application that you have experience with the project tools…” I put days of effort into my application. Created a 10-page entire research project to match the activity request. I was a chump. The other candidate submitted a 3/4 page proposal about what their project might entail. I…

I have worked for my company for a few years and recently applied for an internal position that I was perfect for. I'd worked with the team already, and have 10 years of exemplary experience in the field. Only two people applied for the role – myself and someone with zero experience in the field.

I didn't even make it to the interview stage. The hiring manager sent me a rejection email the same day I put in my application. An incredibly contradictory rejection email. “I really liked how you showed your familiarity with the project tools…” “…perhaps next time highlight in your application that you have experience with the project tools…”

I put days of effort into my application. Created a 10-page entire research project to match the activity request. I was a chump. The other candidate submitted a 3/4 page proposal about what their project might entail. I actually did the damn project. Of course, it turns out this other candidate is very, very good friends with the hiring manager.

I'm rather drunk and somewhat fuming. This is a position I have been waiting to open up for over a year and have put in a lot of legwork with the existing team. It would have been life-changing. Fuck 'em all. Hard work and loyalty are neither rewarded nor reciprocated. Nepotism reigns supreme. I'm gonna coast it from here on out and focus my work hours, instead, on the fantasy web-series I have always wanted to write. If they bust me so be it. The job has exhausted me. The pay is awful and I can barely afford to live anyway.

Fuck you, Ian with your stupid fuckin' ties. Nobody likes them. I'm gonna create a dung-goblin in my fantasy series and call it Ian. You stupid-tied shithead.

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