(M21) All jokes aside, I've been looking for another job to replace my current one due to sudden change in dress code, corporate cutting our hours, and the option to go full time is not possible.
I have four facial piercings that I take out/hide every shift at my current job. I was hired under the impression that I was allowed to have them (I asked during the interview, and was given the greenlight) but turns out my manager was not aware of the dress code change which only allows one facial piercing and requires all tattoos to be covered. No dyed hair either. I could deal with this, as I really needed a job that was close to my home until I had a functioning car again.
I'm currently job searching and have been to two interviews, both good opportunities, but I'm considering not taking the jobs due to not being allowed piercings, tattoos, dyed hair. I told my mother that self expression was not something I was willing to compromise on, as I plan to get even more piercings and tattoos in the future. She told me that I was being petty and that something like piercings should not be the deciding factor in whether or not I take a job.
While I see what she means, I stand firm. I told her that this is much deeper for me than she thinks. This is who I am, this is what I am. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that jobs care more about jewelry in my face than my actual work ethic. I have over 4 years of retail experience, and I'm assistant manager at my current job. I've been a receptionist, a cashier, a lead sales associate, a backroom stocker and etc. I just cannot fathom why all that doesn't matter because I have my nose and lip pierced.
Am I being petty?