
I’ve Wasted My Life

I’ve worked in human services for 18+ years. When I went into this field I was warned that I would never have a good wage and that I was theowing away my future. Welp, they were right. I’m 40 years old, divorced, no retirement savings, no general savings. I frequently have to borrow to make ends meet these days. I often think about killing myself because I simply have no future. I guess I should be happy that I was fortunate enough to mostly enjoy what I do. I love working with people. However, I don’t think its that great of a trade-off.

I’ve worked in human services for 18+ years. When I went into this field I was warned that I would never have a good wage and that I was theowing away my future. Welp, they were right. I’m 40 years old, divorced, no retirement savings, no general savings. I frequently have to borrow to make ends meet these days. I often think about killing myself because I simply have no future. I guess I should be happy that I was fortunate enough to mostly enjoy what I do. I love working with people. However, I don’t think its that great of a trade-off.

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