
Job ad for a similar position as mine was posted after my boss had a conversation with me 1 week before my probation was due to end

So basically on Friday, my boss had a discussion with me to “check in” since I have been here for a while now. My probation is 3 months and is ending next week. I was told that I was too quiet and did not talk to coworkers as much. Since my role was also an assistant position, I was told there were many times I asked questions that have already been answered which was more work to the managers rather than help them. On Sunday, I started looking for new jobs just in case I didn’t pass probation. To my surprise, my company posted a job ad of a role that was like mine on that day. It had a higher salary and required 1 more year of experience than mine and was not an assistant role however, the tasks were similar to mine. I walked into work today and…

So basically on Friday, my boss had a discussion with me to “check in” since I have been here for a while now. My probation is 3 months and is ending next week.

I was told that I was too quiet and did not talk to coworkers as much. Since my role was also an assistant position, I was told there were many times I asked questions that have already been answered which was more work to the managers rather than help them.

On Sunday, I started looking for new jobs just in case I didn’t pass probation. To my surprise, my company posted a job ad of a role that was like mine on that day. It had a higher salary and required 1 more year of experience than mine and was not an assistant role however, the tasks were similar to mine.

I walked into work today and nothing has been mentioned though.

Should I be concerned? Has anyone been through this?

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