
Job hunting, things are looking pretty bleak.

I finally quit my job after 6 years under a toxic/narcissist boss who underpaid me and always made my financial struggles seem like they were my fault for being financially irresponsible. I honestly was forced to quit but that’s a story for another time. I gave 30 days notice so I could have time to find something else. I’ve decided I don’t want to continue working in the field I’ve been in for the past 6 years (Commercial Property Management) because, to be frank, I hate it. I have experience in other fields and skills and a lot of experience but I just don’t know what to do with myself. I want a job that’s going to pay the bills and leave a little extra so I can finally start saving money but everything I look at seems awful or pays about the same, if not less, then what I’m…

I finally quit my job after 6 years under a toxic/narcissist boss who underpaid me and always made my financial struggles seem like they were my fault for being financially irresponsible.

I honestly was forced to quit but that’s a story for another time. I gave 30 days notice so I could have time to find something else. I’ve decided I don’t want to continue working in the field I’ve been in for the past 6 years (Commercial Property Management) because, to be frank, I hate it.

I have experience in other fields and skills and a lot of experience but I just don’t know what to do with myself. I want a job that’s going to pay the bills and leave a little extra so I can finally start saving money but everything I look at seems awful or pays about the same, if not less, then what I’m currently making ($40k, which I had to fight for and only got after I tried to quit last year.)

I’ve applied for a few jobs over the last week but I’m not excited about any of them even though the pay is pretty good.

I’ve thought about going back to school since I dropped out after my sophomore year of college but don’t think I could afford to not work full time and I’m not interested in putting myself further into debt.

Mainly just came here to rant but any advice or kind words would be appreciated.

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