
Job makes us park 10 minutes away from building

I feel like I'm having a Kevin Malone moment. “I swear as God is my witness, I will quit!!” Nah jk but fr it sucks that they make staff park so far away because they want to reserve the close parking for visitors. They give us these stickers to put on our cars so that they know we are staff so if we park in the visitor area, they will towe our cars. It just sucks because we only get a half hour break so if we have to leave, by the time we get in our cars, we already spent about 10 minutes of our break walking, meaning we can only spend 10 minutes eating, and then 10 minutes walking back. Sorry just wanted to rant a little, this is just bs.

I feel like I'm having a Kevin Malone moment. “I swear as God is my witness, I will quit!!”

Nah jk but fr it sucks that they make staff park so far away because they want to reserve the close parking for visitors. They give us these stickers to put on our cars so that they know we are staff so if we park in the visitor area, they will towe our cars. It just sucks because we only get a half hour break so if we have to leave, by the time we get in our cars, we already spent about 10 minutes of our break walking, meaning we can only spend 10 minutes eating, and then 10 minutes walking back.

Sorry just wanted to rant a little, this is just bs.

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