
Job Postings with Massive Salary Ranges

I’ve been applying for jobs pretty consistently my whole adult like (28) and I have to say that one of the most predatory things out there are these jobs that have a $15,000-$25,000 salary range. They do this so you get interested and submit a resume because surly they’ve captured a number you want, but I warn you that if/when you get invited in for an interview, they will automatically knock you down to the lowest part of the range. If a company is serious about hiring, they give a realistic range.

I’ve been applying for jobs pretty consistently my whole adult like (28) and I have to say that one of the most predatory things out there are these jobs that have a $15,000-$25,000 salary range. They do this so you get interested and submit a resume because surly they’ve captured a number you want, but I warn you that if/when you get invited in for an interview, they will automatically knock you down to the lowest part of the range. If a company is serious about hiring, they give a realistic range.

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