
Job recruiter seems he’s not interested in allowing me a chance at a job.

If there’s a better place to post this let me know, I’m not too well versed on Reddit. I applied to a [highly respected, nicely paying job with amazing benefits] that has an online portal for applying to all jobs within the [very large, several location, tons of different departments] employer. Apparently recruiters are the middlemen between the portal and places of work. I applied to 10+ places all with basically the same exact job titles but different locations/hours/slightly different job descriptions but all within the same big network company, until I could narrow down which of them would work best with sharing a car and going back to school. The very next day I had recruiter 1 ask me for availability info to schedule a phone interview either the next day or the day after. I picked day after and had a lengthy interview with recruiter 2 who ended…

If there’s a better place to post this let me know, I’m not too well versed on Reddit.

I applied to a [highly respected, nicely paying job with amazing benefits] that has an online portal for applying to all jobs within the [very large, several location, tons of different departments] employer. Apparently recruiters are the middlemen between the portal and places of work. I applied to 10+ places all with basically the same exact job titles but different locations/hours/slightly different job descriptions but all within the same big network company, until I could narrow down which of them would work best with sharing a car and going back to school.

The very next day I had recruiter 1 ask me for availability info to schedule a phone interview either the next day or the day after. I picked day after and had a lengthy interview with recruiter 2 who ended the call on Friday by stating he doesn’t think I’m a good fit for x type positions, even though my literal entire 14 year resume is highly respected x type positions and suggested l pursue jobs 1, 2, and 3 but to send him a refined list of 2 or 3 jobs that I’m interested in by Tuesday. 1 happened to be one of his picks, the other 2 werent, and I briefly explained in my email why I chose those in particular and that I am respectfully requesting the chance to speak briefly to a hiring manager at the places I chose (since I don’t want said recruiter guy to mean the difference between me getting a job and not, as he said he “took notes on my resume to send to the employers” and didn’t sound impressed). He wrote a one sentence, rude email back to me on Tuesday in response to my professional, descriptive yet efficient (and very kind!) email of my job choices stating that he’d try to schedule an interview with one of the places. I responded back the same day stating I have full availability for interviews, and haven’t heard from him since that day, Tuesday.

I have a strong feeling that this man, who asked interview questions straight from an internet list [ie tell me about a time you overcame an issue….] will be the difference between me either getting a job I’m qualified for within the employer or not. Even my partner said why did he only care about x on your resume? You sounded amazing on the interview, if you aren’t an amazing fit for those positions then who is? (Trust me, he has no problem being honest, I prefer honesty and he knows that). I just know I’d normally have a great chance at these positions but I feel that this guy unfortunately knows his power.

Am I overthinking this? I’m contemplating if it’s too early to send him an email asking whats up? I responded full availability Tuesday morning, it is now 2pm on Friday. Did he not reach out to anyone yet, if he didn’t could he at least keep me updated? Did he reach out but they’re not interested? If I did send said email, I’m not sure what tone, if any, to use, or really what to say at this point.

Am I thinking too far ahead? If he claims he couldn’t schedule an interview with the other 2 jobs that he didn’t personally pick, or if I do get an interview with the one place and they decide to go with someone else, how out of line would it be for me to go directly to the 2 other employers to ask for an interview if he refuses to set up an interview for me with them? These aren’t exactly places where it’s easy to find a department-specific email, more like HR or hiring email for the entire employer, and I feel like they could very easily take me directly reaching out as me truly not being a good fit for the positions but not being able to accept it, and them just trusting their recruiter in the end and saying sorry but sucks to suck.

For each place I could theoretically walk in and speak to the front desk and ask that my resume be reviewed by a hiring manager, but what would I even say, either through email or in person? I’m having communication issues with the recruiter? That kind of already makes me sound like “wtf is this desperate non employee doing, what do they mean by that” and simply ignore me because of that too.

Y’all, I just need some advice. I promise you I’m qualified, I’m not some rando with nothing impressive on my resume or nothing good to say about myself or what I bring to the table. What the hell do I do.

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