
job scammed me from my money

I worked at a job as an intern in the Netherlands. They were very pleased with my work and wanted to hire me. At the time I had my own freelance “company” and said I'd rather work part time through this. They happily agreed and worked there for roughly 2 months. I made a huge mistake and thinking I could trust these people. Even though legally allowed, we didn't make a contract. After asking for my payment, they kept delaying with excuses. Until I finally got fed up and hired a collection agency to help enforce the seriousness. But to my surprise, they completely lied and said I had never even worked there to begin with. They then ignored the agency and they know damn well I have to actually go to a judge to get them to pay. This means I have to pay a lot of money, and…

I worked at a job as an intern in the Netherlands. They were very pleased with my work and wanted to hire me. At the time I had my own freelance “company” and said I'd rather work part time through this. They happily agreed and worked there for roughly 2 months.

I made a huge mistake and thinking I could trust these people. Even though legally allowed, we didn't make a contract. After asking for my payment, they kept delaying with excuses. Until I finally got fed up and hired a collection agency to help enforce the seriousness.

But to my surprise, they completely lied and said I had never even worked there to begin with. They then ignored the agency and they know damn well I have to actually go to a judge to get them to pay.

This means I have to pay a lot of money, and probably will end up being more than I earned. Im likely to win though, I have a ton of screenshots proving they owe me indirectly.

This just sucks because I could win, but as a student, I can't afford a net less of $8,000 either. They know what they are doing.

Don't trust your employer as much as they convey they are trustworthy. Always make sure everything is written down, verbal agreements are useless even though they are legally allowed. This was an expensive lesson on my part.

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