
Job shortage is a hoax.

I work at a bank with multiple locations. We are extremely short staffed and any manager you ask will say the same thing. “Nobody wants to work blah blah blah” I usually just keep my mouth shut so I don’t cause any problems. Until now. I referred a good friend of mine and my girlfriend who are both people that are hard workers with excellent resumes. Both denied saying they would go with another candidate. WE HAVE NO OTHER CANDIDATES. The job pays pretty well almost $17 an hour plus commission. I asked why they were turned down and received no answer. I’m so frustrated because it would’ve looked great on their resumes and they would’ve gotten great pay for our area. I’m just tired of the lies and bending over for people who make my yearly salary in 3 months. Just wanted to vent and get it off my…

I work at a bank with multiple locations. We are extremely short staffed and any manager you ask will say the same thing. “Nobody wants to work blah blah blah” I usually just keep my mouth shut so I don’t cause any problems. Until now. I referred a good friend of mine and my girlfriend who are both people that are hard workers with excellent resumes. Both denied saying they would go with another candidate. WE HAVE NO OTHER CANDIDATES. The job pays pretty well almost $17 an hour plus commission. I asked why they were turned down and received no answer. I’m so frustrated because it would’ve looked great on their resumes and they would’ve gotten great pay for our area. I’m just tired of the lies and bending over for people who make my yearly salary in 3 months. Just wanted to vent and get it off my chest.

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