
Job wants you available 24/7

Why does my job think I want to work 24/7 as if I have no life? They say things all the time like “we have guys working 7 12s & you complain about 6 days.” I’m like well excuse me for not wanting to be a slave! Or my coworkers who brag that they made 100k the last year but won’t tell you how they work 7 12s no days off no family time, no Life outside of those 4 walls. But “hooray” I guess enjoy your 100k. I just don’t understand..I’m not a freaking Robot. On top of wanting to work you to death you aren’t even compensated enough $$. Anyone have these issues?

Why does my job think I want to work 24/7 as if I have no life? They say things all the time like “we have guys working 7 12s & you complain about 6 days.” I’m like well excuse me for not wanting to be a slave! Or my coworkers who brag that they made 100k the last year but won’t tell you how they work 7 12s no days off no family time, no
Life outside of those 4 walls. But “hooray” I guess enjoy your 100k. I just don’t understand..I’m not a freaking Robot. On top of wanting to work you to death you aren’t even compensated enough $$. Anyone have these issues?

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