
Job with ADHD

Sup. I'm from no English speaking country so sorry for my eng. Mb a lil bit offtop but I want to say someone about ADHD and about my job. Mb it will make me feel better. I'm programmer and I have a lot problem with my ADHD cuz this I have to change work every 3 months. I become feel myself very uncomfortable after 3 months… Now I'm near to lose my job again. I understand that I have to change my profession on something more creative for not feel bored and can concentrate on it. For normal live here I need only 300$ per month. How you think can I get it from youtube, twitch or other platforms where I can be creative and make funny content for people (this is my dream) and improve my eng?

Sup. I'm from no English speaking country so sorry for my eng. Mb a lil bit offtop but I want to say someone about ADHD and about my job. Mb it will make me feel better.
I'm programmer and I have a lot problem with my ADHD cuz this I have to change work every 3 months. I become feel myself very uncomfortable after 3 months…
Now I'm near to lose my job again.
I understand that I have to change my profession on something more creative for not feel bored and can concentrate on it.
For normal live here I need only 300$ per month. How you think can I get it from youtube, twitch or other platforms where I can be creative and make funny content for people (this is my dream) and improve my eng?

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