
Job won’t let PTO time off even tho family member was hospitalized due to COVID and I need advice/help

Hello all! So a family member (in their 60's) works a retail job in California (small business with less than 50 people). They were in a wheelchair in urgent care, and feeling horrible COVID symptoms 2 days ago, and messaged their manager (horribly unethical fellow) about their condition, and he didn't even care to respond. They are the top employee(however no commission) and make the most sales. Boss lies to them, screws them over constantly with scheduling and is involved with a lot of shady backdoor illegal business. They are forced to go back to work tomorrow even though it's been 3 days since their positive covid test and are not feeling 100%. I just wanted some guidance if possible, is it possible to get PTO through the government or something? I'm not sure what to do, they can't afford to get fired. I can provide more details if necessary.…

Hello all! So a family member (in their 60's) works a retail job in California (small business with less than 50 people). They were in a wheelchair in urgent care, and feeling horrible COVID symptoms 2 days ago, and messaged their manager (horribly unethical fellow) about their condition, and he didn't even care to respond. They are the top employee(however no commission) and make the most sales. Boss lies to them, screws them over constantly with scheduling and is involved with a lot of shady backdoor illegal business. They are forced to go back to work tomorrow even though it's been 3 days since their positive covid test and are not feeling 100%. I just wanted some guidance if possible, is it possible to get PTO through the government or something? I'm not sure what to do, they can't afford to get fired. I can provide more details if necessary. Thank you!

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