
Jobs/careers/industries where I can start my working day when I want? (I have sleep issues)

Now I don't have an issue with a 35-40 hour work week. I struggle with a 9am start. I've had insomnia since I was a child and I feel very energised sometimes around 11pm-1am and struggle with an 8am wake-up time. It means I am consistently sleep deprived and 90% of the days at work I'm doing the bare minimum to survive the day. If I were to take a week off work and have no alarm clocks on, I naturally seem to fall into a pattern of waking up at 10-11am and sleeping at 2am. This was the case with any annual leave, this was the case during the lockdown times and also the case with any summer holidays during school years. It seems pretty ingrained in me. So I've been thinking about a potential career change in the future and I wanted rough ideas of what sorta jobs…

Now I don't have an issue with a 35-40 hour work week. I struggle with a 9am start. I've had insomnia since I was a child and I feel very energised sometimes around 11pm-1am and struggle with an 8am wake-up time. It means I am consistently sleep deprived and 90% of the days at work I'm doing the bare minimum to survive the day. If I were to take a week off work and have no alarm clocks on, I naturally seem to fall into a pattern of waking up at 10-11am and sleeping at 2am. This was the case with any annual leave, this was the case during the lockdown times and also the case with any summer holidays during school years. It seems pretty ingrained in me. So I've been thinking about a potential career change in the future and I wanted rough ideas of what sorta jobs one can do that doesn't follow a strict 9-5 timings. Like I said, I don't have an issue with an 8 hour workday itself, it's more that I'd love the idea of sleeping in till whenever, say 10am, when my body naturally wakes me up and then doing my 8 hours from that time on. I know that rules out a lot of retail or healthcare/NHS jobs unless I have a business/freelance of my own in that sector (but that's the case with any business I guess if one chooses that path)….but if anyone can throw me any ideas, that would be great!

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