
Jobs keep interviewing me, telling me I’ll be a great fit, then turning me down.

I’ve been unemployed for 3 months now. I’ve been applying to anything you can think of. Most recently I applied for a receptionist role and a recruiting role that I was really confident about. The receptionist manager told me after my interview how well I did and how she really thought I’d love working there and that I’d fit in great. I thought for sure I’d gotten the job only to be turned down via email. Then, in the past 2 weeks I had two interviews for a role where the hiring manager told me they thought I did great and that I was gonna do great with them. After not hearing from them for a week, I emailed them to get an immediate, obviously pretyped email that I did not get the job. I know the market sucks right now, but it makes me feel awful. I put a…

I’ve been unemployed for 3 months now. I’ve been applying to anything you can think of. Most recently I applied for a receptionist role and a recruiting role that I was really confident about. The receptionist manager told me after my interview how well I did and how she really thought I’d love working there and that I’d fit in great. I thought for sure I’d gotten the job only to be turned down via email. Then, in the past 2 weeks I had two interviews for a role where the hiring manager told me they thought I did great and that I was gonna do great with them. After not hearing from them for a week, I emailed them to get an immediate, obviously pretyped email that I did not get the job.

I know the market sucks right now, but it makes me feel awful. I put a lot of time into studying and practicing for interviews and really pride myself in how good my resume is. I don’t say that to be cocky, I say that because it took me forever to perfect it. I just wish I didn’t need to worry about all of this.

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