
Jobs suck when Bureaucrats are in charge to

So the department next to mine has had a shake up due to shit awful management that I thought I would share to both vent and for the lols. Tldr at the bottom. So the oldest guy there is approaching retirement and being very protective of what he does starts training a replacement to take over for about 2 years all told I would say. He gets approval from the higher ups qnd the new guy is hard working dedicated, smart and driven. Old guys retirement is approaching and the new guy hasn't been officially offered the job yet but figures no worries. None of us had seen it advertised. The job requires alot of very specialized knowledge and skillset while also having a good working relationship with a diverse group of others. We are in a hospital so your dealing with clinical people purely focused on the patient, supply…

So the department next to mine has had a shake up due to shit awful management that I thought I would share to both vent and for the lols. Tldr at the bottom.

So the oldest guy there is approaching retirement and being very protective of what he does starts training a replacement to take over for about 2 years all told I would say. He gets approval from the higher ups qnd the new guy is hard working dedicated, smart and driven. Old guys retirement is approaching and the new guy hasn't been officially offered the job yet but figures no worries. None of us had seen it advertised. The job requires alot of very specialized knowledge and skillset while also having a good working relationship with a diverse group of others. We are in a hospital so your dealing with clinical people purely focused on the patient, supply chain people, and middle managers fucking every damn thing up every 5 mins.

New guy has lots of plans and ideas about how to improve the place with the focus on providing a better level of service to what we do with greater efficiency by replacing seriously outdated software and hardware. All good ideas.

Old guys final week is upon us and young guy still hasn't been offered the job. Whicb is worrying and he is saying there is no way in hell he is doing it for his current pay. If anything he should be on even more than the older guy due to inflation but that is the minimum starting point.

Yup you guessed it he doesn't get the job. Old guys final day is on Thursday, farewell party, he's been here for like 42 years and in that role for 20.

Come Monday we all get called to a meeting to be introduced to his replacement, some random lady no one had ever heard of before but shares the last name of the senior management guy. Yup its a member of his fucking family. Young guy is furious and they allegedly have a massive blow out about it. Place is crazy tense. New lady wouldn't know an vaccum pump from a hole in the ground and doesn't seem to understand how emails work to all of our hilarious delight.

New guy takes a mysterious week off and work is piling up. When he comes back he tells us he had a big meeting with the bosses who told him that despite being specifically trained for the job he wasn't up to it. No plans to promote. He comes back the next day and hands in his notice. Tells them he refuses to train his replacement at his current salary. And bounces out of the place.

New lady is completely terrible and has no idea what shes doing, people are hounding her for the work and no one is helping. She runs home crying after about 3 weeks I reckon

We run the fuck out of equipment, with no way to replace it. Surgeons find out whats happened, mostly by me telling them, shit hits the fan. New guy is long gone, has a new job and won't ever return. We start Buying replacement items to replace the stuff that needs servicing, but guess what new items need. Assemble, guess who knows how to assemble stuff. Fucking no one. I saw them googling this stuff and calling the company.

This is both funny and seriously sad. Fuck this place.

Tl:dr Long term worker trains his replacement, trained new guy gets screwed out of the job. Cousin of boss gets hired who don't know shit. Chaos ensues.

Sorry written on phone

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