
Jobs That Dont Provide Uniforms

I just cant stand jobs that dont provide uniforms if their place of buisness requires a certain dress code. I, myself, am currently homeless and dont have any income whatsoever. So I finally land this job after 3 months no job, I went for an interview and killed it. They gave me a packet of guideline, rules and regulations, blah blah blah. And they tell me their dress code is white shirts, black or khaki pants, and its mandatory, if you dont come in dress code, you will be fired immediately no questions asked… but the issue is, you expect everyone to be able to put forth the money needed to do something as basic as just begin the job. We need the job for a reason… MONEY! I have to go in tomorrow at 8am but I dont have a single $ for the uniform and if I cant…

I just cant stand jobs that dont provide uniforms if their place of buisness requires a certain dress code. I, myself, am currently homeless and dont have any income whatsoever. So I finally land this job after 3 months no job, I went for an interview and killed it. They gave me a packet of guideline, rules and regulations, blah blah blah. And they tell me their dress code is white shirts, black or khaki pants, and its mandatory, if you dont come in dress code, you will be fired immediately no questions asked… but the issue is, you expect everyone to be able to put forth the money needed to do something as basic as just begin the job. We need the job for a reason… MONEY! I have to go in tomorrow at 8am but I dont have a single $ for the uniform and if I cant then I'm not going to be able to get the job. L for all these big corporations that require specific things but dont provide them to be able to properly follow the handbook they created.

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