
Jobs with Unlimited Work and Scheduling

To start this off I work at a kinda high class bar in a shopping district in Phoenix, Arizona. They pay me good money, I enjoy working with my coworkers, and I don't inherently mind the work. But the way they run the kitchen is fucking rediculous. So everyday I come in from somewhere around 12-4 pm and when they schedule me out they always schedule me for 8 hour shifts. But it feels like my out times and the idea of an 8 hour shift doesn't exist here because they expect me to stay every night until 2+ in the morning to do dishes. I have no problem doing dishes but when they purposely don't hire a dishwasher and wait until I work all day and I willing stay to help out until close many days but they expect just to do the dishes and everyone else's job when…

To start this off I work at a kinda high class bar in a shopping district in Phoenix, Arizona. They pay me good money, I enjoy working with my coworkers, and I don't inherently mind the work. But the way they run the kitchen is fucking rediculous. So everyday I come in from somewhere around 12-4 pm and when they schedule me out they always schedule me for 8 hour shifts. But it feels like my out times and the idea of an 8 hour shift doesn't exist here because they expect me to stay every night until 2+ in the morning to do dishes. I have no problem doing dishes but when they purposely don't hire a dishwasher and wait until I work all day and I willing stay to help out until close many days but they expect just to do the dishes and everyone else's job when I should've been gone 3 hours ago.
This probably sounds like alot of bitching but my roommate and coworkers act like it's normal and okay and it confuses me of is this just the business where it's completely inconsiderate of the workers or are these guys assholes?

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