
Jumping on the Dunkin Donuts hate train

There are two Dunkin donuts in my town. I worked at one for 1 month, and my fiance worked at the other for just 3 days. Neither of us were trained at all, both of us were thrown into the rush to work the register without any idea how to use it. I worked early mornings and was hired to bake the food, but I was immediately expected to make coffee (I am not a coffee drinker and can't tell you the difference between a cappuccino and a machiatto), work the register, and clean the restaurant even though it wasn't part of my job description. The cleaning was DEMANDED of me and I wasn't allowed to leave until I cleaned everything, which sometimes took me over an hour past the end of my shift. I was just entering college and they gave me shit for needing to leave right when…

There are two Dunkin donuts in my town. I worked at one for 1 month, and my fiance worked at the other for just 3 days. Neither of us were trained at all, both of us were thrown into the rush to work the register without any idea how to use it. I worked early mornings and was hired to bake the food, but I was immediately expected to make coffee (I am not a coffee drinker and can't tell you the difference between a cappuccino and a machiatto), work the register, and clean the restaurant even though it wasn't part of my job description. The cleaning was DEMANDED of me and I wasn't allowed to leave until I cleaned everything, which sometimes took me over an hour past the end of my shift. I was just entering college and they gave me shit for needing to leave right when my shift ended one time so I could attend orientation. The people who worked there were major assholes and had God complexes for God knows what reason, they were definitely all making minimum wage. One day there was a scheduled meeting I needed to attend, and I asked how long it was going to take because my friend was bringing me there and waiting for me. They told me 30 minutes tops, but it was actually 2 hours long (the meeting itself) unpaid, and afterwards it was a surprise going away party for our Russian coworker, which added even more time. Remember, I only worked there for a couple weeks at this point, and worked mornings by myself, so I didn't even know this girl at all. I got visibly frustrated and told them I needed to leave, and then I got written up the next day for “rolling my eyes”, which didn't happen, although I was audibly frustrated. I quit without any notice, through a letter that I put on my managers desk once my last shift was over.

My fiancé on the other hand, put up with way less and quit after a couple days due to the poor treatment he received and the 100% lack of any training. Just threw us to the wolves.

FUCK Dunkin Donuts. These ones are located in Farmington, Maine. Also, their coffee tastes like swamp water. All of the drinks you buy that aren't coffee are made of just straight syrup, such as the smoothies. The bagel and donut racks and baskets are NEVER cleaned, and this is not just a Farmington thing, it happens at every Dunks. They are caked in grime. The machines aren't cleaned regularly either.

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