
Just arrived in Miami a few days ago…

Average apartment price is 1100 for a one bedroom, average price of labor is between 12 and 15 dollars an hour. Walmart is short staffed, home depot is short staffed. I think it's time to bring a tighter wage squeeze to southern Florida. It's not that people don't want to work, it's that people are tired of working for nothing and barely getting by even if they do work. Most of the people I have talked to working in these industries have plans to move within the next year, the rest have no intentions of leaving because they either can't afford it or they have familial responsibilities. An employee at Walmart said he's paying 2500/mnth for a 2 bedroom apartment including utility expenses. We all have a responsibility to ourselves and to our communities to engage and participate in bringing equality to a dominating capitalist market where the capitalists only…

Average apartment price is 1100 for a one bedroom, average price of labor is between 12 and 15 dollars an hour. Walmart is short staffed, home depot is short staffed. I think it's time to bring a tighter wage squeeze to southern Florida. It's not that people don't want to work, it's that people are tired of working for nothing and barely getting by even if they do work. Most of the people I have talked to working in these industries have plans to move within the next year, the rest have no intentions of leaving because they either can't afford it or they have familial responsibilities. An employee at Walmart said he's paying 2500/mnth for a 2 bedroom apartment including utility expenses. We all have a responsibility to ourselves and to our communities to engage and participate in bringing equality to a dominating capitalist market where the capitalists only exist as a small percentage. Your service is valuable and you should hold it as such. Communication and negotiation is your greatest asset in pushing for a better quality of life and respect as a valued contributor within your community. If they tell you not to talk, talk. If they make threats, give them an ultimatum. Unions are a bust and have been corrupted by corporations and conglomerates. Take it upon yourself as the individual to demand higher wages, demand more from your representatives and get involved. Talk is cheap, action is required to make the changes the working class desperately needs right now. Your quality of life is determined by you.

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