
Just because we want housing, doesn’t make us a communist.

Just because we want affordable housing, intervention from the government to help with said housing or livable wages does not mean we're communist, We just want to be able to live a life, there's no playing field anymore of course it's more beneficial and very comfortable to say that “well pull yourself up bootstraps” The problem with that is that we can't. The US government has spent so much money in the military that the only way to have an education is to go to the military, No different than South Korea and other Eastern countries were not going to the military is not an option. Even after getting out of the military You have limited options Because the civilians are struggling, shops are very small and can barely afford to pay people minimum wage And franchises are scamming the government by taking Covid relief money and other benefits while…

Just because we want affordable housing, intervention from the government to help with said housing or livable wages does not mean we're communist, We just want to be able to live a life, there's no playing field anymore of course it's more beneficial and very comfortable to say that “well pull yourself up bootstraps” The problem with that is that we can't.

The US government has spent so much money in the military that the only way to have an education is to go to the military, No different than South Korea and other Eastern countries were not going to the military is not an option.

Even after getting out of the military You have limited options Because the civilians are struggling, shops are very small and can barely afford to pay people minimum wage

And franchises are scamming the government by taking Covid relief money and other benefits while profiting and simultaneously paying workers minimum wage.

It's ridiculous, It's a system setup only for big Giants.

You're not a socialist You are a human being and the system is geared towards keeping entities alive not humans.

Rant over.

Edit: No disrespect to any communist, I believe that both sides in their late stages are the same type of evil.

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