
Just cancelled a surgery because even with insurance I’d be paying anywhere from $2000-$5000

I have a pretty damn good job making $27 an hour. Every month I pay over $600 in insurance for myself and my partner. I still can't afford to get a surgery to literally stop ongoing pain that I've dealt with for well over a year. Doing so would put significant financial strain on my family that we just got rid of with my new job. What the hell is the point of us even paying for insurance? Just makes it harder to get by month to month and then you can't even use it when you need it unless you feel like going further into debt. What is even worse is my parents and my mother in law are both in medical and see nothing wrong with this. “At least you don't have to wait for a Doctor!” Like how I'm waiting even more after already waiting over a…

I have a pretty damn good job making $27 an hour. Every month I pay over $600 in insurance for myself and my partner. I still can't afford to get a surgery to literally stop ongoing pain that I've dealt with for well over a year. Doing so would put significant financial strain on my family that we just got rid of with my new job.

What the hell is the point of us even paying for insurance? Just makes it harder to get by month to month and then you can't even use it when you need it unless you feel like going further into debt. What is even worse is my parents and my mother in law are both in medical and see nothing wrong with this.

“At least you don't have to wait for a Doctor!” Like how I'm waiting even more after already waiting over a year and a half?

Or my personal favorite: “You didn't realize you'd still be paying that much with insurance? Image how much it would be without it!” Damn near cussed out my own mom for that one.

I'm just so tired of being in pain. Thankfully I'm in a position where I can save up a little here and there and hopefully get the surgery within the next year or so. But the fact I'm spending over 7 grand a year on insurance just to have to pay that much more really makes me want to just drop it.

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