
Just cannot get 40 no matter what

I went into my local pet food store (national chain version, has Pet in their name), and I grabbed the food for my pets and looked around. There were people milling about but no employees. I went to check out and asked the cashier how many were working right now. They said just the 2 of us. Wow, understood… with so few people you are at least getting 40 hours a week, right? And the response was a slow, sad, nope head shake. I said I am sorry, but thank you for being here and to take care of yourself. How… can a store have so few employees and still not give them 40 hours a week? Assholes.

I went into my local pet food store (national chain version, has Pet in their name), and I grabbed the food for my pets and looked around. There were people milling about but no employees. I went to check out and asked the cashier how many were working right now. They said just the 2 of us. Wow, understood… with so few people you are at least getting 40 hours a week, right? And the response was a slow, sad, nope head shake. I said I am sorry, but thank you for being here and to take care of yourself. How… can a store have so few employees and still not give them 40 hours a week? Assholes.

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