
Just casually not scanning customers items

Another post on this sub inspired me to share my own story of “Sticking it to the man” so to speak. For 13 years I worked in a grocery store. I drank the kool-aid for a bit, believed in the company and what they stood for, tried to be the best employee I could, picking up time when needed, coming in when sick, ect… After I finally realized it was all bullshit and I was never going to move up in the company unless someone died or I became a sleezy middle management ass kisser (Full-time employees had good benefits, retirement, and vacation but they liked to hire people part-time and have them work full-time hours) Seeing how that didn't interest me I decided to enact my own form of revenge. When I was working the cash register I would purposely make it look like I scanned and item, but…

Another post on this sub inspired me to share my own story of “Sticking it to the man” so to speak. For 13 years I worked in a grocery store. I drank the kool-aid for a bit, believed in the company and what they stood for, tried to be the best employee I could, picking up time when needed, coming in when sick, ect… After I finally realized it was all bullshit and I was never going to move up in the company unless someone died or I became a sleezy middle management ass kisser (Full-time employees had good benefits, retirement, and vacation but they liked to hire people part-time and have them work full-time hours) Seeing how that didn't interest me I decided to enact my own form of revenge. When I was working the cash register I would purposely make it look like I scanned and item, but make sure the barcode never was actually scanned. Struggling parents? I definitely did not see that box of diapers under the cart. Were you just a generally decent human and not a Karen? Enjoy you free items. When I left that job I was making $.70 over minimum wage after 13 years. Fuck that place and their corporate greed.

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