
“Just change your mindset!”

Hi all, first time poster here, I hope this is a right place. Some context: I have been working at this company for about a year now, I am a mid level quality assurance engineer. Our QA team consists of 3 other members – junior, senior and lead. There's also a QA manager that /should/ overlook the QA process in all the projects (spoiler: they don't). I also feel like I need to mention that I am a female working in male dominant field and I have ASD. So after a year of working here, I've gathered quite a bit of red flags: – When I first agreed to join this company, I was promised to join a different project. It was a very interesting project so I rejected offers from other companies. 1 day before my start, I get a call, they're swapping me to a diffetent project. -…

Hi all, first time poster here, I hope this is a right place.

Some context: I have been working at this company for about a year now, I am a mid level quality assurance engineer. Our QA team consists of 3 other members – junior, senior and lead. There's also a QA manager that /should/ overlook the QA process in all the projects (spoiler: they don't). I also feel like I need to mention that I am a female working in male dominant field and I have ASD.

So after a year of working here, I've gathered quite a bit of red flags:
– When I first agreed to join this company, I was promised to join a different project. It was a very interesting project so I rejected offers from other companies. 1 day before my start, I get a call, they're swapping me to a diffetent project.
– When I was joining, it was agreed that I will be working with frontend automation. After few days on working on that I get a call asking what's the progress on API automation framework (which is a completely diffefent thing no one told me I was going to be responsible for)
– The load was huge, I asked for additional team members. I was promised a mid level qa to help with manual testing so I could focus on automation more. What I got was an intern with literally 0 technical background, which had the opposite effect on workload as I had to teach him literally everything (other team members didn't do shit to help with onboarding)
– I also happened to be in charge of defining QA process and making sure it's being followed. That's literally what a manager is supposed to do. The load is so unbearable I have to overtime at least 3-4 hours almost everyday.
– If I notice anything wrong with the process I try to ask the team members if they could fix that before escalating. I've gotten responses such as “Why do you even care” and just plain old ghosting
– I've asked my people lead how to deal if team is ghosting/being uncooperative. “Just change your mindset!”
– I've asked management who should be in charge of the processes/planning, I was told that it should be me. Reminder, theres a senior, lead and a manager in the team. I told him that I was speaking with my people lead and I just cannot do this because people are being uncooperative and the only suggestion from the company that i got was to change my mindset. He told me I should be raising this issue more often with him. I just started laughing. I've been doing that ever since I joined.

Anyway, this is the story. Not sure if it's me who is delusional. Giving my 2 week notice next week, I'll be doing arts for the remainder of summer haha

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