
Just found out the company I work for is highly unethical (i.e. more than usual) and I’m ready to leave. How can I cost them as much as possible until I get fired?

Can't mention the company because they'll see it. I know they're doing highly dodgy shit (not sure if illegal as I'm no expert, but certainly unethical). The owners are rich as hell so I'm not going to mention more and risk a libel case I can't afford. Anyway… I've got another job lined up so I'll be fine, and getting fired won't affect this new offer so I've decided to get as much out of them as I can while giving them as little as possible in return. I get paid hourly (and these hours are self-reported) so I'm going to reduce my efficiency as much as I can, spending as long as I can get away with on the smallest tasks, doing the tasks incorrectly, and generally causing bottlenecks. I want to see how inefficient I can be until they let me go. I'm broke and need the money…

Can't mention the company because they'll see it. I know they're doing highly dodgy shit (not sure if illegal as I'm no expert, but certainly unethical). The owners are rich as hell so I'm not going to mention more and risk a libel case I can't afford.


I've got another job lined up so I'll be fine, and getting fired won't affect this new offer so I've decided to get as much out of them as I can while giving them as little as possible in return. I get paid hourly (and these hours are self-reported) so I'm going to reduce my efficiency as much as I can, spending as long as I can get away with on the smallest tasks, doing the tasks incorrectly, and generally causing bottlenecks. I want to see how inefficient I can be until they let me go. I'm broke and need the money but if I have any left over I'll share it with my broke friends. Any tips? I work remotely so no-one's looking over my shoulder or anything.

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