
Just fucked off and need to vent really. Out of touch CEO says there isn’t a rise in living costs

This is just a vent really. A few weeks ago we had a meeting with our CEO, pretty much every few months he'll visit teams and do a bit of lip service, answer a few questions and fuck off again. He wasn't however expecting someone to have the balls and ask what's the company doing to combat the rising cost of living that's happening in the UK. He fucking floundered over his words and basically said “I think the news is over playing it, the cost of living won't be going up that much” Well today I got my new energy bill because we're having a bit of an energy crisis in the country, so much so companies won't take on new customers. My bill has gone from £60 a month to £180 and that's still pretty cheap compared to some people I know! This is the same month that…

This is just a vent really. A few weeks ago we had a meeting with our CEO, pretty much every few months he'll visit teams and do a bit of lip service, answer a few questions and fuck off again.

He wasn't however expecting someone to have the balls and ask what's the company doing to combat the rising cost of living that's happening in the UK. He fucking floundered over his words and basically said “I think the news is over playing it, the cost of living won't be going up that much”

Well today I got my new energy bill because we're having a bit of an energy crisis in the country, so much so companies won't take on new customers. My bill has gone from £60 a month to £180 and that's still pretty cheap compared to some people I know! This is the same month that council tax and national insurance is expected to go up by at least 50%

I vented today at work and said “ah it's OK though, apparently the cost of the living isn't going up” and there's this one fucking guy, I swear if you handed him a spoon he'd use it to eat the CEO's ass, he goes “well he did say the cost of running a business is going up and we are getting a pay rise so you have to understand he's struggling as well”

We're getting a 1.5% pay rise and the CEO got a £5mil bonus this year. I called my colleague a fucking boot licker and got pulled into a meeting by my boss, luckily my boss is in agreement with me but said there's really fuck all we can do.

I fucking hate this country

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