
just got a settlement from Sedgewick

They denied my workers comp claim. After traveling for work for two weeks in a row (unheard of), I was scheduled to work on a day I would usually have off. The blood drive I worked was understaffed, overbooked, and an abnormally high amount of blood donors had reactions (passed out/threw up/incontinence/etc). Doing mobile blood drives is extremely strenuous as there is a lot of heavy/delicate/expensive equipment that we handle and set up. Right after this drive, I begin to lose vision in one of my eyes, and get a headache. Phone triage tells me I'm having a stroke, and to get an ambulance to the hospital ASAP. I get to the hospital and they discover that it is just an ocular migraine, give me an injection, my vision comes back, and they release me. Well, come to find out Sedgewick didn't do anything at all to even begin the…

They denied my workers comp claim. After traveling for work for two weeks in a row (unheard of), I was scheduled to work on a day I would usually have off. The blood drive I worked was understaffed, overbooked, and an abnormally high amount of blood donors had reactions (passed out/threw up/incontinence/etc). Doing mobile blood drives is extremely strenuous as there is a lot of heavy/delicate/expensive equipment that we handle and set up.

Right after this drive, I begin to lose vision in one of my eyes, and get a headache. Phone triage tells me I'm having a stroke, and to get an ambulance to the hospital ASAP. I get to the hospital and they discover that it is just an ocular migraine, give me an injection, my vision comes back, and they release me.

Well, come to find out Sedgewick didn't do anything at all to even begin the process of denying my claim when I get a bill for 800 for the ambulance and 2750 for the ER visit. I call a bunch of people to essentially ask “wtf”, and finally get a hold of my claims adjusters supervisor and tell her what's going on. Two days later I get a claim denial in the mail.

Of course I lawyered up and contested it. Today Sedgewick decided to settle! I'm so relieved to not have this hanging over my head anymore. I'm getting my medical bills paid, and even an extra 2k in my pocket.

We shouldn't have to fight for crumbs when the work we do burns our bodies and minds out, and honestly this settlement is less of a victory and more of an indication of the sad state of things. Nonetheless, I'm not in medical debt anymore and that feels good.

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