
Just got chewed out by a co worker for not asking if they wanted anything Doordashed?

Let’s start with the fact, I do not make a ton of money. I make enough to live comfortably and happily. But I am not rolling in it. I don’t order delivery often when I am at work because it’s expensive. Most of the time I bring my lunch. But every now and again I like to treat myself. Well, apparently there is some kind of unspoken rule in this office I didn’t know about. If you order something, you ask everyone else if they want something too. I didn’t know this was like..a rule. ​ So, anyway, I decide to order myself some food. A few minutes later one of my co workers asked what I was doing for lunch. I told her I was just having something Doordashed. She kinda went off! Calling me “rude.” And sarcastically saying to my other co-worker “I guess we’ll just have to…

Let’s start with the fact, I do not make a ton of money. I make enough to live comfortably and happily. But I am not rolling in it. I don’t order delivery often when I am at work because it’s expensive. Most of the time I bring my lunch. But every now and again I like to treat myself. Well, apparently there is some kind of unspoken rule in this office I didn’t know about. If you order something, you ask everyone else if they want something too. I didn’t know this was like..a rule.

So, anyway, I decide to order myself some food. A few minutes later one of my co workers asked what I was doing for lunch. I told her I was just having something Doordashed. She kinda went off! Calling me “rude.” And sarcastically saying to my other co-worker “I guess we’ll just have to fend for ourselves.” And she laughed it off like she was joking but I know she wasn’t. Because she kept complaining. And when her and my other co worker left to go get their lunch, she kind of turned her nose up at me. I felt bad. But honestly, I am not used to that. I just started here and my last job was very, your lunch is your own. No one asked what you were eating, what you were doing, etc. I am used to either bringing or ordering my food, putting my phone on do not disturb, and reading and not feeling the need to share my plans with everyone. I am a big time introvert and I have to talk to people all day. I keep pretty private when it comes to my lunch because I need to recharge my batteries. I have actually told them this too. They like to have lunch together and chat. I told them right at the beginning “please don’t take it personal if I keep to myself for lunch. I just prefer to have that time for myself so I can decompress.” They said they understood. Anyway, I am not used to to people calling me “rude“ because I didn’t offer to order food for them too.

My order alone was $22. If I had to order for 2 more people that could have easily become $80 or more! Even though they’d give me cash, I cannot have that much money pulled from my checking account, I have bills due! And I don’t want to have to go to the bank and deposit money.

I don’t get it. Why can’t they just get on their own devices and Doordash? Why does it matter I order for them on my device and have all that money taken from my account like that, when they can just as easily order for themselves?

I just think it’s a shame that this seems to be the work culture anymore. (Or maybe it always was, I don’t know.) But putting in 8 hours of work, having to fix everyone’s issues, and all you want is 30-60 measly minutes to yourself, is putting you on the radar for being anti-social, or “not a team player”. No. I just like some quiet time to recharge before the next 4 hours. I am here to work, not socialize. This isn’t a party where were all chipping in for pizza before playing cards. It’s work.

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