
Just got fucked over in a major way.

I don’t know where else i could post something like this, but basically I work for a local bakery and have been looking for a way out of food service since January. I’m just so beyond tired of it and it’s making me hate my life. I hate the people who work in kitchens, the culture, and have completely lost my passion for it that made me think this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. So last week I asked my boss if I could help on the social media team and then go remote because I’m moving out of state later this year and wanted something secure and outside of the kitchen so I didn’t have to frantically find work post-move and stress myself out more. When we talked about it in person she was completely on board and I was really excited…

I don’t know where else i could post something like this, but basically I work for a local bakery and have been looking for a way out of food service since January. I’m just so beyond tired of it and it’s making me hate my life. I hate the people who work in kitchens, the culture, and have completely lost my passion for it that made me think this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

So last week I asked my boss if I could help on the social media team and then go remote because I’m moving out of state later this year and wanted something secure and outside of the kitchen so I didn’t have to frantically find work post-move and stress myself out more. When we talked about it in person she was completely on board and I was really excited to start. She just called me to let me know she thought more about it and can’t let me do it because I won’t be in the store to take pictures of product. Even though the current social manager is never in the store, at least not that I’ve seen.

But honestly she could have just simply taken more time to think it over and say no instead of saying yes and then completely pulling the rug out from under me. I want to fucking scream. And this industry is the only one I have experience in so I feel like this was my only option to escape. I’m just so fucking angry and depressed over it. I don’t want to show up tomorrow because the only thing keeping me hanging in there was the thought that the finish line for my time in food service was so close. I’m just so fucking done.

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