
Just got let go for missing a drug test

I'm a pharmacy technician at a large scale long term care facility in California. Management was honestly terrible, they scheduled me for a drug test during my working hours. The drug testing center would close right when I got off. I had already missed a few days because my car broke down, they said if I missed another day I would be let go so I couldn't take time off to do it either. I explained my situation and it didn't matter. I understand that they have a job to do but Jesus. Every job I've been to has no consideration for their employees. I wonder if every place is going to be like this but if it is that's extremely demoralizing. The current state of the world reminds me of the book 1984. What's the point anymore man? Work till I'm old have no time off till I'm at…

I'm a pharmacy technician at a large scale long term care facility in California. Management was honestly terrible, they scheduled me for a drug test during my working hours. The drug testing center would close right when I got off. I had already missed a few days because my car broke down, they said if I missed another day I would be let go so I couldn't take time off to do it either. I explained my situation and it didn't matter. I understand that they have a job to do but Jesus. Every job I've been to has no consideration for their employees. I wonder if every place is going to be like this but if it is that's extremely demoralizing. The current state of the world reminds me of the book 1984. What's the point anymore man? Work till I'm old have no time off till I'm at least 70. I understand why some choose to be homeless more and more now. Just my little rant and an attempt to blow off some steam, thanks for reading if you did, best wishes to you all.

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