
just had a discussion with my parents about work morality

They went on and on about how they feel proud about their work moral in other words always goving 110% and never taking sick days even when you are sick. I said I work so I can afford to do stuff during my free time, I do not work to provide anything for my boss/company, I don't give a shit about my workplace, its just a source of money and I will do what is asked of me and nothing more. They didn't like that response one bit. They went all like ” your boss will see that you aren't trying your hardest ” But then I know that every year when we discuss our wages they have a set amount to give out to all of us and a minimum that everyone is getting and the remaining is given out depending on you contributed the most but the thing…

They went on and on about how they feel proud about their work moral in other words always goving 110% and never taking sick days even when you are sick.

I said I work so I can afford to do stuff during my free time, I do not work to provide anything for my boss/company, I don't give a shit about my workplace, its just a source of money and I will do what is asked of me and nothing more.

They didn't like that response one bit. They went all like ” your boss will see that you aren't trying your hardest ”
But then I know that every year when we discuss our wages they have a set amount to give out to all of us and a minimum that everyone is getting and the remaining is given out depending on you contributed the most but the thing is the difference between the worst and best employee is 1% extra increase but most people are in the middle so if you work your ass of you are only getting 0.5% more than the rest.

I'm not gonna stress and wear out my body and mind for such a small amount. But for some reason my parents can't understand this.

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