
Just had my time wasted at an “interview”.

So, as the title says, I was scheduled to have an interview for a maintenance job at a hotel at 1pm EST today. I get there, and the maintenance director ( who calls himself the “Chief Engineer” ) wasn't there due to needing a part for the freshly busted automatic doors out front. Not a good start, but whatever. Luckily, he shows up only a few minutes later, and the Front Desk Manager introduces me to him. The way CE reacted, it was like he had forgotten the interview was even today. At this point, I'm expecting him to give me the interview right there while he's repairing the door ( he had someone else there helping as well ), but instead he goes behind the front desk and hands me an application; he wants me to fill it out. That would be fine if it wasn't for the fact…

So, as the title says, I was scheduled to have an interview for a maintenance job at a hotel at 1pm EST today. I get there, and the maintenance director ( who calls himself the “Chief Engineer” ) wasn't there due to needing a part for the freshly busted automatic doors out front. Not a good start, but whatever. Luckily, he shows up only a few minutes later, and the Front Desk Manager introduces me to him. The way CE reacted, it was like he had forgotten the interview was even today. At this point, I'm expecting him to give me the interview right there while he's repairing the door ( he had someone else there helping as well ), but instead he goes behind the front desk and hands me an application; he wants me to fill it out. That would be fine if it wasn't for the fact he already had my resume'. I grit my teeth and agree to fill it out. After I'm done a few minutes later, I go back over and hand it to him. He looks over it, and asks if I have any experience in this sort of work. Once again, he has my resume', but I answer “yes”, and tell him the hotel. He remembers it, looks at my application some more. He then says “Well, thanks for coming in. I'll get back to you very shortly.” I'm actually in shock a bit as he shakes my hand. I'm literally saying “What a waste of time!” out loud in the parking lot as I'm going back to my car, and I honestly don't care if he heard me.

TL;DR: After sending in a resume', I get a call for an interview. Interviewer shows up late, has me fill out an application, can't recall anything from the resume I sent him, and interview doesn't happen.

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