
Just my story after 12 years with same company

I’m sure this will never make it out of New, but wanted to share this in case it helps anyone else. I started at a smaller company (50 people) in 2010 as customer service and worked my way up to a Director position. Worked my butt off to keep the company successful and growing from single digit millions to over 50+ mil in business. I got small bonuses and raises but never proportionate to what I was able to do for the company’s bottom line, but I figured that was just the way it went. After seeing my department go from 4 people to just me at the start of the pandemic, I knew it would be ‘lean’ for a couple years and knew I would be in the shit. I worked my butt off again and we got to the point where I was able to add another person…

I’m sure this will never make it out of New, but wanted to share this in case it helps anyone else. I started at a smaller company (50 people) in 2010 as customer service and worked my way up to a Director position. Worked my butt off to keep the company successful and growing from single digit millions to over 50+ mil in business. I got small bonuses and raises but never proportionate to what I was able to do for the company’s bottom line, but I figured that was just the way it went. After seeing my department go from 4 people to just me at the start of the pandemic, I knew it would be ‘lean’ for a couple years and knew I would be in the shit. I worked my butt off again and we got to the point where I was able to add another person to my department. After no raises for 2 years during the pandemic, I finally received a raise that worked out to a 1% increase after inflation. WTF. Randomly an old boss contacted me around the same time and offered me a similar position at a 50% increase in pay. I accepted. My old job didn’t even try to counter and essentially said “congrats on finding a job that pays more”. They are so fucked and they have no idea. If you read this far, my main point is fuck loyalty to a company. Your company doesn’t give a damn about you and no matter how hard you work and how much you make for them, they will look at you as replaceable.

edit: A letter

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