
Just need to share my sadness

Hey good people of r/antiwork – my wife recently submitted her resume to a homeschool company for their open product owner role, and it’s now going on two months and they still keep saying they will make a decision soon. She’s done two interviews and a take home test and after I experienced an unexpected job loss from a horrendously managed company we got behind on everything (I’m a seasoned programmer and it still took me over 6 weeks to find a job) and we have yet to recover. She’s been working in this role for our private S corp for probably 5 years but work dried up during covid. We really need her to work both for our financial well being and her own psyche. I feel awful for her – she’s really talented and insanely hard working and loves to work but this company has been stringing her…

Hey good people of r/antiwork – my wife recently submitted her resume to a homeschool company for their open product owner role, and it’s now going on two months and they still keep saying they will make a decision soon. She’s done two interviews and a take home test and after I experienced an unexpected job loss from a horrendously managed company we got behind on everything (I’m a seasoned programmer and it still took me over 6 weeks to find a job) and we have yet to recover. She’s been working in this role for our private S corp for probably 5 years but work dried up during covid.

We really need her to work both for our financial well being and her own psyche. I feel awful for her – she’s really talented and insanely hard working and loves to work but this company has been stringing her along and I’m sick over it. They supposedly have two other candidates they’re considering but they couldn’t possibly move slower. I know it’s the holidays but this process started in mid-October. I’ve got nothing really to ask or anything, just wanted to offload my sadness because this sub is really great. Anyway take care and I wish everyone well …

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