
Just passing by to warn anyone who’s planning to work for JustEat – don’t.

At the beginning of this month they laid off about a 100+ people form 2 of their main departments that were outsourced. And the way it was done – with a simple Excel sheet basically telling our operation managers that they will no longer require the headcount that was before this month. No apologies, no anything. Just like that. And the “fun” part – they ruined my entire summer vacation across Europe that was partially pre-paid already. And not only mine, I’m sure.

At the beginning of this month they laid off about a 100+ people form 2 of their main departments that were outsourced. And the way it was done – with a simple Excel sheet basically telling our operation managers that they will no longer require the headcount that was before this month. No apologies, no anything. Just like that. And the “fun” part – they ruined my entire summer vacation across Europe that was partially pre-paid already. And not only mine, I’m sure.

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