
just quit and this is what happened.

So I quit my job for a few reasons, the big one is to take care of my son and my wife makes significantly more than me. Most of my paycheck goes to daycare so I make about a 100-300 a month after paying for it. So it's making little money to miss out on alot of time and firsts. My wife also wanted one of us to stay at home to avoid daycare since she forsy had him. I'm very proud of her and would never ask her to drop her career. She's very happy and I well, wasnt. Another reason I'm quiting is I do not get along with my direct supervisor. It got to the point coworkers were telling me it was obvious she didn't like me. I got yelled at for not asking questions, for asking questions, she would change things, not tell me and get…

So I quit my job for a few reasons, the big one is to take care of my son and my wife makes significantly more than me. Most of my paycheck goes to daycare so I make about a 100-300 a month after paying for it. So it's making little money to miss out on alot of time and firsts. My wife also wanted one of us to stay at home to avoid daycare since she forsy had him. I'm very proud of her and would never ask her to drop her career. She's very happy and I well, wasnt.
Another reason I'm quiting is I do not get along with my direct supervisor. It got to the point coworkers were telling me it was obvious she didn't like me. I got yelled at for not asking questions, for asking questions, she would change things, not tell me and get mad at me for me not being updated. Well it everything came to a breaking point last week when she talked down to me and yelled at me in front of all my coworkers, she had bitched at me before, but never so publicly, so the next day I talked to the CEO and vented about daycare, her, my wife's stress and he suggested I quit. I asked for the rest if the week to decide and he asked for am answer by Thursday, it wasn't that much of a big deal.
I want to say that other than my direct supervisor. Everyone else is unbelievably good to me. Not the best pay, but they were kind when my son came and patient with ally wife's doctor visits, gave me my vacation time early, and I have the best coworkers ever. It's why I stayed as long as I did. They are even paying out the week when Tuesday is my last day.
So my direct supervisor asked to talk today, and I think “maybe it's an apology for the public dressing down she did”. NOPE. she proceeds to tell me to grow up, that I made her sad and feel disrespected for not telling her first and doing it on her day off, (which I didn't intend to do, don't really care that I did though) and proceeds to ask me if we even meant to have a child (it took us 3 years and multiple fertility treatments) and finally, and I quote “how could we have a child when my wife wasn't willing to give up her career”
It was extremely upsetting, and solidify any lack of guilt or regret of quiting, but I am still at a loss on how to handle this. I don't want to complain to the department of labor because her superiors are truly good people and I believe in being fair back

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