
Just quit my second job by sending this to the enormous company group chat

This is the most unprofessional and chaotic work environment I have ever seen. I do not see any other reason someone would stay in this job besides sheer desperation. Today's absurd conversation has been the last straw for me, so I will join Hayden in putting in my two weeks. Luckily, you haven't scheduled me for the next two weeks anyway. You hire workers, yet don't schedule them, and expect them to fight each other for hours. I have never seen management so incapable and unprofessional as this company. Secondly, this group chat is the worst possible form of communication that could possibly be used. Hundreds of messages are sent a day, and we are expected to find a small margin of them relevant to us by scrolling through an endless feed of profanities and incompetence. Within this exponential minority of relevant messages, managers communicate horribly by holding hours above…

This is the most unprofessional and chaotic work environment I have ever seen. I do not see any other reason someone would stay in this job besides sheer desperation. Today's absurd conversation has been the last straw for me, so I will join Hayden in putting in my two weeks. Luckily, you haven't scheduled me for the next two weeks anyway. You hire workers, yet don't schedule them, and expect them to fight each other for hours. I have never seen management so incapable and unprofessional as this company.
Secondly, this group chat is the worst possible form of communication that could possibly be used. Hundreds of messages are sent a day, and we are expected to find a small margin of them relevant to us by scrolling through an endless feed of profanities and incompetence. Within this exponential minority of relevant messages, managers communicate horribly by holding hours above their employees' heads like a starving tank of piranhas. These messages show zero leadership qualities and only highlight how unqualified our management is. More importantly, why in the world would we be so desperately understaffed that, as a court monitor, I am covering almost every court at once? If hours are so competitive, why don't we actually put people on the schedule?
Similarly, the managers have to scroll through this group chat to see if anyone has called off work, which led to Hayden's issue. Employees shouldn't have to search through the awful W2W app to figure out what manager is on shift, search for their number, and call them on their cellphones because SkyZone doesn't have a sufficient phone line.
Third of all, our incapable management has created a dangerous environment for children. Metal sheets are falling from the ceiling, ready to cripple a kid, carpet is torn up waiting for someone to trip over it, while the plastic trimming all around the walls (especially the performance wall) has fallen off and is often haphazardly duct-taped back on. Trampolines like SkySlam are falling apart, while management poorly tries to cover up the issue. I've seen children fall through the springs and have to climb out.
I'm one of the youngest people in this group chat but have more maturity and education than half of you combined. I apologize to the other half who have to put up with them. I applied to this job because I thought it would be a fun environment, but it made me lose hope in our education system. Who do you people think you are? (cough cough Jamal) You can't take a single thing seriously, and that's why you're stuck in this dead-end job.
As I'm writing this, I got the notification that I'm scheduled for a shift in less than five days. If a company requests an employee to show up to work, they must give two weeks' notice. So don't expect me to show up to a meeting with less than two days' notice and illegally punish me for not being able to attend.
This place is a disaster, and this letter couldn't possibly breach the surface of it. So let me know when I can pick up my check and all the other checks I haven't received in the months I've worked here. Good luck using your usual incompetent comebacks; 99% of you don't know who I am and I don't leave grammatical errors to be picked apart.

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