
Just quit over text after being set up for failure

I work at an outdoor adventure business. We had a manager who had been running things almost single handed it for almost ten years. Mind you, the owner of the business literally lives on site, and is essentially completely absent from the business. Well that manager left, and the owner has had to step up and actually do work. The owner promised me a promotion and raise, I just had to help the difficult transition smooth over and make sure everyone is on the same page. But what ended up happening, is I took all the shit from both management and my co-workers, because I was vocal and active in the transition. I know I’m being vague I just don’t feel like ranting to the internet. To put it shortly, in my, requested, attempt to step up and help out more, ended with me being denied both the raise and…

I work at an outdoor adventure business. We had a manager who had been running things almost single handed it for almost ten years. Mind you, the owner of the business literally lives on site, and is essentially completely absent from the business. Well that manager left, and the owner has had to step up and actually do work. The owner promised me a promotion and raise, I just had to help the difficult transition smooth over and make sure everyone is on the same page. But what ended up happening, is I took all the shit from both management and my co-workers, because I was vocal and active in the transition. I know I’m being vague I just don’t feel like ranting to the internet. To put it shortly, in my, requested, attempt to step up and help out more, ended with me being denied both the raise and promotion, while taking all the negative attention, and having all my co-workers heavily dislike me as I forwarded changes for the owner. So why stay. I quit over text respectively and now I just feel defeated.

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