
Just ranting – received an insultingly low raise

I started an entry level role at my company in January of 2022. About 2-3 months in, a girl (one role above me) on my team quit. They trained me to replace her immediately. Her job was indeed NOT entry level (1 person billing and payroll department for over 200 employees), takes about 3x longer than the role I was hired to do, and is all around incredibly stressful and time consuming. Her job also paid $12,000 more than what I am making. I was trained with almost no support, and often had 8-12 hour days teaching myself this new role. My days went from being a few hours long, to at least 8 hours now. I did not receive a raise, or frankly anything, for my new role. Last week, I asked for a raise due to the fact that my workload and responsibilities have increased drastically. I also…

I started an entry level role at my company in January of 2022. About 2-3 months in, a girl (one role above me) on my team quit. They trained me to replace her immediately. Her job was indeed NOT entry level (1 person billing and payroll department for over 200 employees), takes about 3x longer than the role I was hired to do, and is all around incredibly stressful and time consuming. Her job also paid $12,000 more than what I am making. I was trained with almost no support, and often had 8-12 hour days teaching myself this new role. My days went from being a few hours long, to at least 8 hours now. I did not receive a raise, or frankly anything, for my new role.

Last week, I asked for a raise due to the fact that my workload and responsibilities have increased drastically. I also asked if they offered any certification classes that I could use within the company to continue growing with them. They told me it was possible and to let them look over some numbers and meet with me the following week.

I just got out of the meeting to discuss my raise now. I was offered a $2,000 annual raise, and was only told that any certifications/classes i took would be paid for if i received an A/total pass. I countered at a $4,000 raise and was shot down. I am absolutely disappointed and frankly insulted by the raise I was offered by this company who prides themselves on valuing their employees.

Hard life lesson – do not go above and beyond for employers who don't give a shit about you. Do the bare minimum and move on, hard work is never truly appreciated by many employers. I will be looking for another job immediately.

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