
Just realized how much I hate to work

So I’ve been a member of this subreddit for awhile but this is my first post. I use to think I like my job and that while we should be working way less, that ultimately work is still good. I’m not entirely sure what I believe now but came to this realization: I truly hate to work. For some context, I was in university for some of the pandemic, I got my degree and shockingly got a job in my field. It was a starter job but I thought I genuinely enjoyed. The pay wasn’t great but my coworkers were decent and it was fairly close to me. And I thought I genuinely enjoyed the work. I went out west to visit my sister who moved there 5 years ago. I had a great time just hanging out with my sister and her friends. This was really my first vacation…

So I’ve been a member of this subreddit for awhile but this is my first post. I use to think I like my job and that while we should be working way less, that ultimately work is still good. I’m not entirely sure what I believe now but came to this realization: I truly hate to work.

For some context, I was in university for some of the pandemic, I got my degree and shockingly got a job in my field. It was a starter job but I thought I genuinely enjoyed. The pay wasn’t great but my coworkers were decent and it was fairly close to me. And I thought I genuinely enjoyed the work.

I went out west to visit my sister who moved there 5 years ago. I had a great time just hanging out with my sister and her friends. This was really my first vacation as a working person. On the plane ride home I got super depressed when I realized I had to go back to work tomorrow. And I get that everyone’s a little sad coming home from vacation but this is seriously depressing. Is this what it’s like for everyone? That everyone gets 1-2 weeks of bliss if they’re lucky a year?

I’m just lying in bed now dreading having to get tomorrow and go to work, I honestly not sure if I’m going to be able to.

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