
Just remembered the time my boss called me in early just to scream in my face

Many moons ago, I had sent a text to my (at the time) boss asking why he was being a shit to me (politely of course) He said we would discuss it in the morning if I could come in early. Now, instead of having a calm discussion, he proceeds to scream in my face about a variety of problems he has with me. Staring with to NEVER TEXT HIM outside of work hours because that was HIS TIME. Oh, but you can call me day and night on my days off to take shifts? Including but not limited to 1AM texts asking me to come in for 8AM the next day and being angry I didn't respond? That I barely take shifts. That I have horrible excuses like “My partner's cat died” I'm sorry that you schedule me for 1 shift a week then proceed to call me in…

Many moons ago, I had sent a text to my (at the time) boss asking why he was being a shit to me (politely of course) He said we would discuss it in the morning if I could come in early.

Now, instead of having a calm discussion, he proceeds to scream in my face about a variety of problems he has with me. Staring with to NEVER TEXT HIM outside of work hours because that was HIS TIME.

Oh, but you can call me day and night on my days off to take shifts? Including but not limited to 1AM texts asking me to come in for 8AM the next day and being angry I didn't respond?

That I barely take shifts. That I have horrible excuses like “My partner's cat died”

I'm sorry that you schedule me for 1 shift a week then proceed to call me in every fucking day, at 4PM, wanting me to come in the next 5 minutes, despite the fact that I've made plans and aren't going to wait around all day for a fucking phone call. Ontop of this, I didn't have to give you reasons NOT EXCUSES to begin with. Also I HAD TO BE THERE WHILE MY PARTNER'S BEST FRIEND WAS BEING PUT DOWN YOU PIECE OF SHIT.

That I was a lazy bitch the shift before I went on vacation and gasp used my disabled co-worker's chair!

I'm sorry I was having back issues and my co-worker suggested I use the guy's stool as HE WASN'T THERE.

That I can't do anything other than cash.

I'm sorry you never let me do anything else.

That I was a no show on (X date) when it was insanely busy and he was so angry he took shifts away from me.

I was severely jet-lagged from my trip and slept in. It was a 3 hour shift, I was an hour late but I lived 5 mins away. I called, apologized, said I would be right over. YOU SAID NOT TO BOTHER AND SCREWED YOURSELF.

That I was lazy because I wanted reduced hours because I was in school. When HE was in school, he worked full time.

I was in a specific program where I didn't get homework but had to use my free time to go out and get stories. Clearly his schooling got him nowhere because he still works at (shitty retail job)


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