
Just Reuse the Hardhats

One of the company owners told me not to buy new hardhats to issue to new employees. She said we should just reissue USED hardhats… after we wash them and put new harnesses in them. “Why waste all that money?” Um, maybe because it's safety equipment that protects a person's BRAIN. We don't know the history of the trash bag full of used hardhats down in the shop, and I'm really not interested in risking someone's brain to save $50.

One of the company owners told me not to buy new hardhats to issue to new employees. She said we should just reissue USED hardhats… after we wash them and put new harnesses in them. “Why waste all that money?” Um, maybe because it's safety equipment that protects a person's BRAIN. We don't know the history of the trash bag full of used hardhats down in the shop, and I'm really not interested in risking someone's brain to save $50.

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