
Just saw a couple posts in a row about how working class people are treated as lesser and class warfare is closer than we think, so here’s another one

The fact that for many living on minimum wage are living pay check to pay check and not because of frivolous spending is really just the illusion of freedom. Sure we have this freedom of which foods to buy from brands made by the same oligarch, or tv to watch with entertainment provided by the same oligarch just branded different. But really we are bound to our jobs with no escape. It’s the true American dream because hope is literally all we have. It’s this illusion we have the freedom to do what we want, but only once we get there. And the thing is, less and less people are getting there. It’s painfully obvious that one day it’s just not gonna work. I don’t get the point of bringing working class people so close to the breaking point when it’s not necessary to go this far. Like seriously, most…

The fact that for many living on minimum wage are living pay check to pay check and not because of frivolous spending is really just the illusion of freedom. Sure we have this freedom of which foods to buy from brands made by the same oligarch, or tv to watch with entertainment provided by the same oligarch just branded different. But really we are bound to our jobs with no escape.

It’s the true American dream because hope is literally all we have. It’s this illusion we have the freedom to do what we want, but only once we get there. And the thing is, less and less people are getting there.

It’s painfully obvious that one day it’s just not gonna work. I don’t get the point of bringing working class people so close to the breaking point when it’s not necessary to go this far. Like seriously, most people are just trying to not have to work for most of their waking hours just to get bare necessities. It’s such a simple and humane request.

But when these companies that are the “backbone” of America have their business model solely dependent on not properly paying staff to meet these fairly understandable requests, it’s a surprise riots haven’t broken out yet. But I guess the defense budget might get put to use for once if riots do break out

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