
Just so tired

I am 63. Worked 2-3 jobs most of my life (mostly a day office job, and then 1-2 side jobs/side hustles). I have talents, office skills, a degree. I'm depressed (who isn't?) but I'm a boomer so I don't expect any help with this. Abusive background, abusive marriage, left them both. Body torn up from a car accident years ago. The body is just plain failing on me. My blood pressure is through the roof, my legs hurt all the time and just don't work at all sometimes. It has been hard to get a doctor to discuss my legs because they want to fix my blood pressure first – and no one wants to discuss that maybe being in constant pain is one force driving the pressure up. The last doctor literally told me that “People don't get badly hurt in car accidents” How do you deal with that?…

I am 63. Worked 2-3 jobs most of my life (mostly a day office job, and then 1-2 side jobs/side hustles). I have talents, office skills, a degree. I'm depressed (who isn't?) but I'm a boomer so I don't expect any help with this. Abusive background, abusive marriage, left them both. Body torn up from a car accident years ago.

The body is just plain failing on me. My blood pressure is through the roof, my legs hurt all the time and just don't work at all sometimes. It has been hard to get a doctor to discuss my legs because they want to fix my blood pressure first – and no one wants to discuss that maybe being in constant pain is one force driving the pressure up. The last doctor literally told me that “People don't get badly hurt in car accidents” How do you deal with that?

I have to work another 7 years for any hope of enough Social Security money to retire. But I'm currently unemployed and no one will hire me – I suspect because of my age.

Kids – don't do this. Run away and live in the woods. Riot in the streets. Start a business selling pancakes. SOMETHING. I'm old and I can't walk and I can't even document any of it to get disability because I can't see a doctor.

Thank you for listening.

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