
Just thought this was funny

Not sure if this belongs here but thought it was a funny story So a few weeks ago I had applied for a position and ended up getting an interview in which it was set for a specific date. I emailed HR and told them I was interested but wasn't available until late in the day for an interview. They said that was fine and almost became overly flexible (just got really weird desperate vibes from them) I would be interviewing with a group of people but the main guy who made the final decisions called me several different times to set up a time because something came up and I wasn't able to make the original time we set. We ended up meeting together on zoom. There were 6 total people in the interview and the main guy I was talking to took the call while he was driving…

Not sure if this belongs here but thought it was a funny story

So a few weeks ago I had applied for a position and ended up getting an interview in which it was set for a specific date. I emailed HR and told them I was interested but wasn't available until late in the day for an interview. They said that was fine and almost became overly flexible (just got really weird desperate vibes from them) I would be interviewing with a group of people but the main guy who made the final decisions called me several different times to set up a time because something came up and I wasn't able to make the original time we set. We ended up meeting together on zoom. There were 6 total people in the interview and the main guy I was talking to took the call while he was driving to listen in while someone else asked the questions.

Interview went fine. I got weird vibes all around but I was still interested in their final decision. That was a Thursday, guy calls me late Friday and says I'm a finalist and they'll be calling references next week but basically congrats if everything comes through well offer you the position. Asks for my full name, DOB, and social over the phone to send to HR. Thought this was extremely weird and unprofessional. Anyway

Tuesday rolls around of the following week and my references let me know he called them. The remainder of the week goes by and I don't hear anything from them. Send HR and email for an update and hear back the following Monday that they're sill processing everything.

Later that day I get a call from another job I interviewed for saying they basically created a position for me and if I was interest to let them know. I was and went through the hiring process with them starting that Monday and completed it that Wednesday.

Now its late Wednesday almost 2 weeks after the initial interview with job 1 and they finally sent the offer letter to which I decline and tell them due to the wait I have already accepted another position. The offer letter also was sent to me with my name being spelled with a completely different last name lol.

They sent a follow up saying they have a heavy workload and thats why it took so long for me to receive my offer. (nice makes me want to work there now) and Guy was a great boss and the company was great almost implying I made a mistake.

Now just this past Friday boss guy calls me to ask why I passed and have a chat about my deciding factors to not accept which I found extremely desperate and a very bad take. Safe to say I didn't answer and leave his voicemail for a good laugh.

New job I got is better pay with excellent befits so it turned out to be a win for me.

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