
Just venting.

I have been working in an auto parts shop for 2 years already and i have been getting payed 10 dollars and hours but since i was in a business college i had to take the late shift and i worked it out with my then manager on what i wanted to do. And i would generally do more hours. I was fine with that then. But now that mangaer has left (they now own a bigger store) And he took some people with him leaving a finite amount of employees in the old store any of wich were not experienced enough. And now we have a new one who basically does some task and then just sits in his butt all day and sometimes he barely sells anything. From that finite number of employees the inexperienced ones or the ones with less time in the store have been quitting…

I have been working in an auto parts shop for 2 years already and i have been getting payed 10 dollars and hours but since i was in a business college i had to take the late shift and i worked it out with my then manager on what i wanted to do. And i would generally do more hours. I was fine with that then. But now that mangaer has left (they now own a bigger store) And he took some people with him leaving a finite amount of employees in the old store any of wich were not experienced enough. And now we have a new one who basically does some task and then just sits in his butt all day and sometimes he barely sells anything. From that finite number of employees the inexperienced ones or the ones with less time in the store have been quitting one by one. And now our company is a total asshole. Now is just me and a few others left behind not even a max of 5 including the manager running a whole store where the minimum capacity is 7. Since there needs to be more people to sell more goods. We need more hours for more people. But the company says without sales we cant do more hours and they wont give us enough fast aide. I am really frustrated i came back today to work with a sour mood and since i was the only hispanic in the store (the area has really high latino foot traffic who only speak spanish) i was the one who sold the most since they already know me. And i am legit getting tired and sicker of just barely holding by doing almost to 10 hours by myself in that store i am legit wanting to quit right now but because of family circumstances cant quit. I know i will be able to do so soon. But i will do it as soon as i get some managerial training so i can put it on my resume since the Job i want to apply to next requires managerial experience.

TLDR; I am just tired of being overworked and underpayed and i want to leave but i cant due to family and needed experience. And needed to vent off some steam and guidance on how to proceed.

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